Ostatnia aktualizacja 12 listopada, 2020
Learn Tai Chi Step-by-Step with Master Yang
Tai Chi Chuan is a kind of moving meditation with ancient roots in Chinese martial arts. In this program, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches you the complete traditional Yang-style long form step-by-step, while explaining the meaning of each movement.
Yang Tai Chi is the most popular style in the world, and it is practiced by millions of people every day. By practicing Tai Chi, you relax the mind and body deeply, which is the key to maintaining and improving your health. When you are calm and centered, your body’s natural restorative abilities are most efficient.
Regular practice can benefit your strength, flexibility, bone-density, and muscle mass. The low-impact exercise has been shown to improve symptoms of depression and insomnia, and promote the healing of chronic conditions. Tai Chi is an excellent way to relieve stress, lower your blood pressure, and develop a positive attitude toward life. Tai Chi will increase your circulation of blood, nutrients, and energy throughout the body, resulting in improved vitality and longevity.
Master Yang instructs the complete Tai Chi form from the front, and shows each movement one-by-one from multiple angles. There is also a rear view of the form that you can simply follow-along with once you’re familiar with the movements. Tai Chi will develop your mind’s alertness, awareness, and concentration. Most importantly, as you practice, pay attention to the feeling within the movements, so you may appreciate the profound essence of Tai Chi Chuan.
- Learn the form step-by-step
- Easy to follow with front or rear angle viewing
- Low-impact movements; good for all fitness levels
- Every movement explained in detail
Dr. Yang’s tai chi lineage can be traced back to the Yang family through Grandmaster Kao, Tao (高濤) and his teacher Yue, Huanzhi (樂奐之), an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu (楊澄甫).
Run Time: 293min
Number of discs: 1
Narration: English
Menus/Subtitles: English
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