Winter Camp 2014, Brenna Poland

Ostatnia aktualizacja 9 stycznia, 2012

22.02-2014 (Saturday) – 01.03.2014 (Saturday)


Date: 22 February- 1 March (starts 22end with lunch and ends 1st with breakfast)
Localization: Sports Hall of LKS Beskid Brenna in Brenna
  Brenna – a village in the South of Poland


Payment: 1100 PLN (around 260 euros)
Final registration date: 10.02.2014
Registration form:

click here to register


Registration after the final date will be charged 100 PLN extra. Foreigners pay for the camp of the first arrival day.
We accept payment only in PLN.

There is an option to pay only for classes (no accommodation and no food). In such case, the payment (650 PLN) is also due by the end of the arrival day. You can either choose the hotel which is in the same building as the gym (the Beskid hotel) or the Kotarz hotel which is located on the other side of the road near the gym and which offers you a higher standard (spa center, sauna, swimming pool with no limitations, free parking, billiards and others).

Accomodation options:

1. Hotel Beskid payment 1100 PLN (including food, bed, classes)

2. Hotel Kotarzpayment 650 PLN (classes) + you book and pay Kotarz hotel accomodation on your own (around 180 PLN  per night including food, bed and hotels extras). Don’t forget to ask for YMAA camp participant’s discount.



Robert Wąs – Cracow, Poland

Shaolin Instructor, Taiji Instructor
Pedro Rodrigues – Amadora, Portugal Shaolin Instructor, Taiji Instructor
Victor Casqueiro – Lisbon, Portugal Shaolin Instructor, Taiji Instructor
Zbigniew Panasewicz – London, UK Shaolin Assistant , Taiji Assistant
Bartłomiej Grad – Cracow, Poland Shaolin Assistant , Taiji Instructor
Victor Marques –  Paris, France Shaolin Instructor, Taiji Instructor
Miguel Palma –  Azores, Portugal Shaolin Assistant , Taiji Assistant
Paul Moran –     Dublin, Irleand Shaolin Assistant
Olivier Pardo – London, UK Shaolin Assistant , Taiji Assistant


Taiji/Shaolin Shaolin and Taijiquan students will learn basic staff techniques. It will be a continuation of the training from the last Summer camp and seminars. For Taiji students attendance is not required. If, however, someone wants to participate in this class, please indicate it in the registration form.
Equipment required: wooden staff



Sword Basics – We will learn the basic sword techniques including training with partner and sword sequences (Shaolin and Taiji). This will be the continuation of the training form previous camps. Equipment required: wooden sword (no metal swords allowed!)



Taiji  students(Qigong, sequence and aplications, Taiji ball, sparring) will learn the traditional sequence of Taijiquan Yang style, basic Taiji Qigong Training, Pushing Hands, Centering and basic applications of Taiji Forms and Taiji Qin Na.  
Advanced students will practise Taiji forms, medium and fast speed Taijiquan sequence, basic and advanced Pushing Hands, Taiji Qin Na, applications of Taiji forms and Pushing Hands, centering, rooting, Taiji sparring and Jin training.


Equipment required: Wooden blocks for centering training (not obligatory).
  Wooden staff and training belt

Students will practise and improve:
– Kung Fu techniques,
– applications of Kung Fu forms and Fighting Forms,
– weapons training (staff, sabre, sword),
– basic and advanced sparring training,
– reaction training,
– Jin training,


Equipment needed: wooden staff and other weapons.
  training gloves, jumping rope, shin protections, helmet, plastrons, shields.
Attention: During all shaolin classes use of training belt is OBLIGATORY!

NOTE! If you need training sword (wooden) please contact Lukasz:   (before 31.01.2014)

Sword – made of ash wood. Hard and springy. Perfect for solo practice and training with partner. Price: 90 zł

Camp schedule:

winter brenna 2014 650


  • 2x Staff basic and advanced techniques, solo and matching training, reaction training, sequence and applications
  • 2x Taiji sword basic and advanced techniqeus, solo and matching training
  • 4x Taiji – Taiji basics, Qigong, Taiji ball training, sequence and aplications
  • 3x Taiji PD – Taiji Pushing Hands – stationary and moving pushing hands, centering, Jin training, coiling Qigong, advanced (min 1 stripe Taiji): sparring Taiji (required: gloves with grappling ability – open fingers)


  • 2x Staff basic and advanced techniques,
  • 2x Shaolin sword basics and advanced
  • 3x Shaolin – basics, sequences, aplications, Tan Tui, weapons training, fighting forms, Qin Na, Shang Xia Zi etc.
  • 4x Shaolin P – Partner training, applications – plastrons, gloves, San Shou, wrestling, groundfighting basics


Termin:   26 LUTEGO- 5 MARCA (26 od obiadu – 5 do śniadania – 7 dni)
Lokalizacja:   Ludowy Klub Sportowy BESKID – Hala Sportowa
Miejscowość:   Brenna koło Wisły (woj. śląskie, pow. cieszyński)

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